"Dear Diane: So glad you're all getting together at the Grand Canyon - I know you'll have fun".
"Enclosed are some clippings of the earth-quake, and the story of the writer who died of cancer"....
"The weather is beautiful; flowers are coming out - spring is here...."
In memory of: Julie Moulds Rybicki - died at Ann Arbor
Hospital after a 16-year bout with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - age
Mrs. Rybicki had battled it and won over it 7 times. Mrs.
Rybicki, a native of North Muskegon and a graduate of Hope College, published
her poetry collection THE WOMAN WITH A CUBED HEAD in 1998. She wrote about
her cancer experiences. She taught at WMU where she received her masters
in poetry.
"She was the kind of person who was capable of having no illusions
and yet loving you fiercely," her husband said.
Her blog that she kept is here - you might like to read some of her
entries; her last one is in 2006 - nearly 2 years ago.
Mother felt this needed to be mentioned; and
I don't know how you found out about my sister, but thank you find your kind words. Julie is gone, I still find it hard to fathom.
her sister,
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