This 'blog' is for my mom - Marie; nick-named Breezy.
If I'd started this 2 years ago, I'd have twice the pictures with which to 'build' some of mom's memories. Unfortunately it was a year ago (today), that my computer 'crashed' - and nearly all of my photos 'died' with the computer.
It was a few years ago at Christmas, when Kevin gave
me this beautiful bracelet he made for me with photos of mom-Marie, and her
grand-kids. I wore that bracelet all the time; one day, it was missing
from my arm.
The only 'good thing' was, I'd taken photographs of the bracelet - at least I have that.
The first song you'll hear as you visit this page, is
called THE ANNIVERSARY WALTZ. I selected that because of the beginning
words...'oh how they danced on the night they were wed.'
Of all the things I remember most, it was the beautiful way mom and dad danced - so, it seemed right to start off with this melody.
My dad played a beautiful trumpet - the trumpet
wasn't all that beautiful; the way he played it, was. It was difficult
trying to find anyone who could play like my father; however, around 12 years
ago, Kevin and I went to hear a young man (Chris Botti) play in a supper
club. The minute this man started to play, it was like hearing my father
all over again!
I was able to find about 10 melodies Chris has recorded; about 6 of them are favorites of my mom and dad. So, while this blog isn't near-perfect, it is created with 'what I have' - what remains of the 'pieces' of text and photos I could recover, and put here as a tribute to not only my mother, but my dad; my grandparents - and of course my sisters; brother, and children are included.
My niece (Heather) has been a great inspiration to me; she's a wonderful
mom - an outstanding photographer, and she never stops finding creative ways to
utilize all the beautiful photos she takes. If you'll look in the
side-bar, you'll find a photo-show I made for 'Breezy' (my mom's
nick-name). That link will take you to most of the photos I have here;
however, there will be no text - if you're in a hurry, click on that and
enjoy. Again, it was Heather making up a photo-show some weeks ago, that
gave me the idea for adding this feature to mother's page.
I know mother speaks so often to me about how proud she is of her children. Mother tells me how happy she is with the great families all of her grand-children have raised, or are raising. Breezy rejoices in the sizeable family she has; all the animals that are part of our households. She loves her birds in the yard; she dotes on her racoons that she feeds daily, and she welcomes the neighbor's 'critters' with open arms.
Mom's love of nature; gardening -
never complaining of the long hours and years she's put in to make a lovely home
out of 'what she had', has inspired all of us 5 children of hers, to 'make do' -
or 'make better' with what we have. We've learned how to take 'almost
nothing', and turn it into something pretty special, because both mom and dad
were just that way their entire lives!
Mom and dad's parents were much the same way - we learned from watching how they handled their lives; how they never complained, and worked with love in their hearts.
I was lucky to have all my great grandparents alive
when when I was born. They all lived long enough for me to learn the good
way of life, from them. My great grandmother Grace lived long enough to
see 2 of her great great grand-children be born; she was so proud of them - her
love for all of us still fills my heart.
I think of what Kahlil Gibran wrote: "Work is love made visible" - that said, love was ever constant and visible in my life - thanks to my parents; my grand-parents, and my great grandparents.
Music and art were emphasized by all who nurtured
us. Work - dirty hands; tired backs - signs of a day's
accomplishment. Concern for our surroundings; for the animals that strayed
into the yard - for the birds that lived in our trees, nature was our 'friend' -
we loved all that surrounded us.
Accumulation of material wealth and money was not on the list of 'things to do' - being charitable and thoughtful; kind to our neighbor - these were the priorities in my family's life, and still are.
The key point of this page started
out to be because of my mother's bout with cancer; it was discovered late-May of
2007. Without going into the difficult details of her 'battle', by
Christmas mom was back in the kitchen fixing a terrific holiday dinner. By
January 20, 2008 mother was given the 'all clear' sign that her cancer was
As I started putting this site together, I realized there were other 'key points' - surely, mom would like these pointed out.
Our father tirelessly worked his entire life to do the
best he could to give us the basic things of life. Our father suffered an
agonizing death from cancer - after months of pain and suffering, he died in May
of 1993.
My brother, Ken, continues to be one of the strongest and most helpful people in mom's life. Even though my brother has suffered from the effects of Bells Palsey, he ever complains; he's always smiling as best he can because of the affliction, and he is the most reliable and kind person one can hope to know.
My sister, Nancy - she's had her entire home burned to
the ground; destroying all her precious photos, but started a 'new world' for
herself, and she dances as beautifully as mom and dad did. She's currently
taking classes to improve her knowledge; to find a better job - and she's 61; a
time when many are retiring.
My sister, Beth - she works very long hours in her own business - her clients and associates hold high regard for her; talented in music and art, she's an ever constant friend to all.
youngest sister (younger than my own daughter)
has worked hard in her own
business as well - none of us 5 children ended up
working for anyone other
than 'ourselves' as we all chose the independent
business-owner ideals and
way of life. Barb has learned a variety of
techniques that contribute to the
comfort and well-being of each of her clients;
she tirelessly adds new skills
to her services, by attending school and seminars
so she can be the 'best'
at what she does.
Of the 5 children born to mom and dad, there are 8 grandchildren that are all grown - many with families of their own. Not only are all 8 productive and loving in their lives, but so are their spouses and their children. Each has learned the need for getting a sound education. Each has learned the value of taking steps to keep excellent health as a first priority. All have the big hearts that give to others. Every one of them works extremely long hours as they seek to do the best job they can for their employer and their clients.
Again, I want to close this entry with
something Kahlil Gibran
said: "Your children are not your children; they
come through you, not
from you." "You can not make your children to strive
to be like you, but
you can strive to be like your
I think in our family, we simply strive - and we admire all that each of
us have done; we are a reinforcing family - a network of love, that has created
a very strong fabric woven of sincere and ever-constant belief that 'each day is
a new day to fix what might have been broken the day before'.
I am very proud and happy to be just a tiny part of a
tremendous family!
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